Home » US-based Honeywell inks deal on innovative digital technologies with Kazakh ERG
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US-based Honeywell inks deal on innovative digital technologies with Kazakh ERG

Honeywell International Inc. and Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) have signed the Agreement of Intent aimed at creating innovative digital technologies to boost efficiency at ERG’s industrial sites in Kazakhstan.

As part of the agreement, Honeywell will implement SymphoniteTM, a statistical data reconciliation-based production accounting software solution, using which ERG will obtain production and inventory information.

“Our enterprises are located in various cities of Kazakhstan, and constant access to accurate unified production data of all control levels, ranging from workshops to corporate offices, is necessary for the most efficient management of our business processes,” said Galymzhan Akhmetov, Chief Executive Officer for Information Technologies at ERG.

ERG accounts for a third of the metallurgical and mining industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The company provides electric power distribution and supply services as one of the leading participants in the Government Program of the Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“We are delighted to start cooperation with ERG in Kazakhstan, and, as a global supplier of industrial technologies and software, we are going to offer ERG the best industry solutions that will boost its productivity on an international scale,” said Alexei Zenkevich, country business executive of HPS in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.
