Home » US-based Calatrava Grace mulls implementation of real estate projects in Uzbekistan
Central Asia Monitoring Uzbekistan

US-based Calatrava Grace mulls implementation of real estate projects in Uzbekistan

On 2 May 2019, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Alisher Abdualiyev held talks with the Director General of Calatrava Grace (USA) Michael Sellman.

Practical issues of implementing investment projects for the production of model blocks and the construction of affordable housing in Navoi region and subsequently in other regions of the republic were discussed.

Michael Sellman, commending positive changes and favorable conditions for foreign investors in Uzbekistan, stressed that the projects of the company will be implemented using advanced technologies and innovative technical solutions that allow building high-quality, reliable and affordable housing in Uzbekistan in a short period.

Projects for the production of model units and the construction of affordable housing in the Navoi region in the amount of US$100 million were worked out with the assistance of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Washington and presented on 12 March during the trip of the head of our state to Navoi region.
