Home » Ukrainian Naftogaz signs a €14 million agreement with Norway’s Wikborg
Eastern Europe Monitoring Ukraine

Ukrainian Naftogaz signs a €14 million agreement with Norway’s Wikborg

Naftogaz Ukrainy on April 1, 2019 signed an agreement worth EUR14 million with the Norwegian law firm Wikborg Rein Advokatfirma AS, which provides legal support within the litigation with Russia’s PJSC Gazprom.

According to the report in the ProZorro system, the contract price consists of the contractor’s fee, expenses incurred for attracting third parties and travel expenses.

As reported, in February 2018, the Stockholm arbitration obliged Gazprom to pay Naftogaz a fine of $4.63 billion for the underutilization of the Ukrainian pipe. Taking into account the previously made decision on the supply contract, Gazprom should pay the Ukrainian side an additional $2.56 billion. Gazprom contested this decision in a Swedish court.
