A database of names of beneficial owners of all Ukrainian companies has been opened in Ukraine. Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman posted this on his Facebook page. “The information about the beneficial owners of all Ukrainian companies was made public on the Unified State Open Data Portal thanks to the joint work of the Ukraine’s State Agency for E-Governance and the Justice Ministry of Ukraine,” Groysman wrote.
Groysman stressed that Ukraine became the first country in the world to join the Global Beneficial Ownership Register, the initiative of the Transparency International to promote transparency and prevent corruption. “Open data are the basis for building a transparent and efficient state as well as a powerful source of development of commercial and non-governmental projects. Therefore, the media and the public can freely use and analyze these open data for public control, while IT business can create new Internet services and projects that would enrich the economy and be of use to its users,” the Ukrainian Prime Minister added.