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Central Asia Monitoring Uzbekistan

Switzerland helps Uzbekistan to introduce critical macroeconomic and financial data service

Uzbekistan has implemented the recommendations of the Enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS) by publishing critical macroeconomic and financial data through the National Summary Data Page (NSDP).

The NSDP is posted on the State Statistics Committee’s website, utilizing the Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX). The NSDP page contains links to statistics published by official data producers, namely the State Statistics Committee, the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the Ministry of Finance. The page aims to serve as a one-stop publication vehicle for essential macroeconomic data—in both human and machine-readable formats. Technical assistance to finalize the metadata published on the NSDP was financed by the Swiss Federal Department of Finance.

Publication of essential macroeconomic data through the NSDP is a welcome step towards greater transparency. It will provide national policy makers and domestic and international stakeholders, including investors and rating agencies, with easy access to information that the IMF’s Executive Board has identified as critical for monitoring economic conditions and policies. Making this information easily accessible in both human and machine-readable formats, and according to an Advance Release Calendar, will allow all users to have simultaneous access to timely data.
