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Switzerland, Austria support strengthen institutional framework in the water supply in Moldova

Lăpuşna River, with a hydrographic basin of 14 localities from Nisporeni, Hânceşti and Leova districts, will be managed according to a management plan.  It was developed by a Sub-Basin Committee, created with the support of the Development Agencies of Switzerland and Austria, as part of a project that will deal with the monitoring and management of the river water resource rationally and reasonably.

The aforementioned committee was created following agreements between the local, regional authorities, the associative sector, civil society, the population, external partners who set out to redress the ecological situation of the Lapusna river “which represents a value in the national heritage and must be protected”.

The management plan includes a series of actions to rehabilitate the Lăpușna river bank, such as: promoting environmentally friendly agricultural methods, identifying and creating the waste management system.

Also, in the Plan are provided actions for afforestation of the riparian strips of protection, establishing measures for revitalizing the accumulation lakes, identifying and rehabilitating pastures and recreational areas, actions for sanitation and rehabilitation of the 20 springs of the Lăpușna river.

The elaboration of the Lăpușna river management plan was possible within the project “Promoting integrated water management in the Lăpușna river basin” implemented by EcoContact in collaboration with Pro Rural Development and financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Austrian Development Agency, through the agreement to implement the project “Strengthening the institutional framework in the water supply and sanitation sector of the Republic of Moldova (Phase 1) – SDS ADA”.
