Home » StrategEast hosts quarterly Donor Coordination Meeting in Dushanbe

StrategEast hosts quarterly Donor Coordination Meeting in Dushanbe

On June 24, StrategEast held its quarterly donor coordination meeting at Technohub in Dushanbe, Tajikistan in collaboration with USAID’s Future Growth Initiative. The event gathered key stakeholders, including Mustafo Jonmamadov  from EBRD, Tojiddin Najmedinov from USAID, Shodigul Mamadyorbekova  from GIZ TJ, and representatives from the US Embassy, FCDO, and the UK Embassy.

The meeting focused on several critical topics aimed at bolstering Tajikistan’s IT sector. Discussions centered on developing IT capacity in the region, attracting international companies to establish offices in Tajikistan, and ensuring Tajik startups can access international markets, particularly in the Gulf region.
StrategEast highlighted the importance of workforce development and obtaining world-class expertise from leading technology companies. Additionally, the potential of Tajik startups participating in the joint Google-StrategEast cross-country project, “Build with AI for Sustainable Growth,” was explored.

The meeting also addressed support for StartupStan, an initiative led by the State Business Incubator in Tajikistan. StrategEast expressed its commitment to backing this program to nurture local entrepreneurial talent.

Looking ahead, the next meeting will focus on specific projects requiring donor support and how donors can contribute effectively to these initiatives.