Home » StrategEast Director for Caucasus talks on the role of tech parks in transforming economies at the Baku Investment Day event

StrategEast Director for Caucasus talks on the role of tech parks in transforming economies at the Baku Investment Day event

On June 27-28th, Lika Merabishvili, the Regional Director for the Caucasus at StrategEast, participated as a panelist at the Baku ID event held in Baku, Azerbaijan. The panel discussion, titled “Technoparks Transforming Economies: Sparking Innovation and Startup Growth,” provided insights into the role of technoparks in driving economic transformation and fostering innovation. Ms Merabishvili introduced StrategEast, highlighting its role as a leading independent institution focused on developing the digital economy in the Caucasus and beyond.

Lika Merabishvili shared the significant impact StrategEast has had in Azerbaijan, noting the success of the first IT Hub program and job fair organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan and the Center for Analysis and Coordination of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with financial support from the EBRD. The program’s impressive response demonstrates its success and the growing interest in IT development in Azerbaijan.

Drawing from Georgia’s experience in tech park development, Ms Merabishvili emphasized the importance of attracting international IT companies to open offices and develop local talent. She noted that hiring local staff by global companies accelerates the development of the local IT sector and ensures robust integration into the global supply chain.

Baku ID (Baku Investment Day) is the Azerbaijan’s main startup innovation event created by SABAH.HUB Innovation Center aiming to drive the ecosystem forward.