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StrategEast and Sabah Hub Sign MoU to Foster IT Development in Azerbaijan

On June 29, Lika Merabishvili, Regional Director for the Caucasus at StrategEast, and Nihat Majidov, Chief Director at High Tech Park signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between StrategEast and Sabah Hub. This signing ceremony marks the beginning of a strategic partnership aimed at enhancing the IT ecosystem and promoting technological innovation in Azerbaijan.

This collaboration will focus on developing IT talent, supporting startups, and facilitating the integration of Azerbaijani tech companies into the global market. StrategEast’s extensive experience in partnering with international financial institutions, global development agencies, and leading tech companies will be instrumental in achieving these goals. By leveraging their collective expertise and resources, StrategEast and Sabah Hub aim to create a thriving IT sector that will benefit not only Azerbaijan but the entire region.