Home » Slovakian Nafta and US Cub Energy intend to drill their first well on Uzhgorod gas field in Ukraine
Eastern Europe Monitoring Ukraine

Slovakian Nafta and US Cub Energy intend to drill their first well on Uzhgorod gas field in Ukraine

The leading Slovakian oil and gas company Nafta and Cub Energy (the United States) intend to drill their first well on Uzhgorod gas deposit in 2018, Cub Energy said in a statement.

Previously, the partners conducted a 3D seismic survey on 118 square km of the area, these works were financed mainly by Nafta (the company invested EUR100 million in exploration work).

Cub Energy also plans in 2018 to drill a well in its Zakhidno-Olhivske field (previously a 2D seismic survey was conducted there).

As reported, Nafta acquired 50% in Uzhgorod gas deposit from Cub Energy in the summer of 2016.
