Home » Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister join the launch of StrategEast State and IT Eurasian Forum 2024 in Chișinău

Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister join the launch of StrategEast State and IT Eurasian Forum 2024 in Chișinău

On September 17, 2024, the StrategEast State & IT Eurasian Forum 2024 successfully kicked off in Chișinău, bringing together IT industry leaders, government officials, and international organizations. As part of Moldova Business Week, the event gathered participants from Moldova, Eurasian countries, and Western states to discuss current trends and innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation.

The forum opened with participant registration and a welcome coffee, providing guests with opportunities for informal networking. Official remarks were delivered by key organizers and partners: Anatoly Motkin, President of StrategEast; Dumitru Alaiba, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization of Moldova; Olga Surugiu, CEO of Orange Moldova; and Ana Chirita, Strategic Projects Director at the National Association of ICT Companies.

Anatoly Motkin set the tone for the 6th StrategEast State and IT Eurasian Forum, unveiling the year’s lead topic: Trustworthy AI for a Sustainable Economy.

Keynote: AI and the Future of Work

One of the key highlights of the day was the keynote address by Fahed Bizzari, renowned AI specialist, titled “Mind the Gap: Keeping Workforces Aligned with the AI Revolution.” Fahed discussed the need to bridge the gap between AI advancements and workforce readiness, introducing the concept of AIQ (Augmented Intelligence Quotient) and offering strategies for organizations to enhance collaboration between humans and AI.

Panel Discussion: Global IT Trends 2024

Supported by Orange Moldova, this session brought together experts to discuss global IT trends, including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and cloud technologies. Speakers such as Cezara Panait (Google), Victor Sagaidac (Orange Moldova), and Veaceslav Cunev (ATIC) examined the impact of these technologies on business strategies and innovation, emphasizing how these trends are reshaping industries and driving growth.

Innovation in Business Services

The afternoon session, organized by ABSL International, focused on exploring innovation and resilience within the business services sector. Panelists such as Andrew Wrobel (Emerging Europe), Lilia Sinciuc-Engelen (ABSL Moldova), and Daniela Vicol (H.Essers Moldova) shared insights on how businesses are adapting to global challenges and leveraging cutting-edge solutions to foster growth.

The Role of International Donors in Eurasia’s Digital Transformation

The final session of the day, supported by USAID Moldova, examined how international donors can support digital transformation across Eurasia. Speakers from leading global agencies discussed how IT solutions are driving economic development in the region, promoting Western values, and enhancing strategic partnerships.

Additionally, the forum welcomed a keynote from Dorin Recean, Prime Minister of Moldova. In his speech, the Prime Minister emphasized the transformative power of AI in simplifying business processes and fostering closer interaction between businesses and governments, setting the stage for further discussions on how AI can unlock new opportunities in the digital economy.

The first day concluded with a full program, offering participants valuable insights and networking opportunities. The forum will continue on September 18, with more sessions and discussions on the horizon.