Home » Polish Milex, Uzbekistan establish cooperation in the field of drip irrigation
Central Asia Monitoring Uzbekistan

Polish Milex, Uzbekistan establish cooperation in the field of drip irrigation

A delegation of the Polish company Milex, specializing in the production of equipment for drip irrigation, recently visited Uzbekistan.

During the visit of representatives of Poland, meetings and talks were held at Kashkadarya region khokimiyat, as well as with the business community of the region, at which issues of cooperation were discussed.

Since 1983, Milex has been producing automatic irrigation systems for green areas and all agricultural irrigation facilities, elements for irrigation systems. It is the only Israeli technology-based structure in the world that provides integrated services in the design, as well as modernization of old irrigation systems. Warranty periods of products significantly exceed the performance of other similar firms.

An important factor for Uzbekistan is the high reliability of Milex irrigation systems in adverse weather conditions, in particular, in hot climates, as well as ensuring efficient operation even with low water pressure. Regardless of the size and scale of the project, the company applies environmentally friendly solutions, an individual approach to each object and its capabilities, the use of products with proven accuracy, reliability, and durability.

Earlier, the leadership of the Polish company expressed readiness to organize the production of equipment for drip irrigation in one of the districts of Kashkadarya region. As a result, it was decided to build a plant in Guzar district.

The head of the delegation, the owner of the Milex company, Y. Milevsky, emphasized the advantages of drip irrigation in Uzbekistan against the background of traditional watering. According to him, irrigated farming in Uzbekistan will have greater efficiency when using drip irrigation. Irrigation fluid enriched with substances necessary for plants to grow and microelements provides a complete diet. The result of this is an increase not only in the quality of crops but also an increase in the amount of the harvest by 2 times.

He noted that traditional irrigation methods — along furrows or sprinkling, which are mainly used in Uzbekistan, moisten the entire crop area, and most of the water goes into the ground. The use of the mechanism of micro-irrigation in Uzbekistan will lead to an increase in the diversity and volume of the cultivated crops, since the efficiency of this technology reaches 90%. At the same time, the amount of water used is reduced by 2-5 times.

During the visit, the Polish delegation also visited the Mubarek Gas Processing Plant, where they got acquainted with the possibilities of using raw materials (polyvinyl chloride, silicone, thermoplastic elastomer, etc.).

Following the negotiations between the khokimiyat of Guzar district of Kashkadarya region and Milex company signed a document regulating the construction of the facility in the district.