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KfW to finance water infrastructure project in Moldova

The German Government will finance a water supply and sanitation project in Cahul district. On 6 August, the project execution agency held a meeting to discuss several issues related to the contractual basis of the program.

This project is financed by the Government of Germany, through the German Development Bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). For its implementation, a financing agreement was signed in August 2018 between the German Bank, the Republic of Moldova (represented by the Ministry of Finance) and Cahul.

Also, the advance payment for the consultancy services within the project was approved to the company Fichtner Water & Transportation. The representatives of this company, who are going to elaborate the design documentation and supervise the construction works, discussed with the members of the project implementation team, employed by the Southern Regional Development Agency (ADR Sud).

According to the Financing Agreement signed with KfW Bank, ADR Sud is to provide expertise within the project in the procurement procedures, expenditure and to ensure visibility of the project.

The project provides for development of water supply and sewerage services in Cahul and four neighboring villages: Cotihana, Crihana Veche, Pașcani and Manta.

Thus, with the financing of the German partners, eight kilometers of water supply and sewerage networks will be built in Cotihana, and the sewerage systems in the villages of Crihana Veche, Pascani and Manta will also be rehabilitated.

At the same time, the water supply system in Cahul will be restored and extended by 11 km, the sewerage networks will be extended and the pumping station will be repaired.
