Home » German Knauf increases its manufacturing capacities in Uzbekistan
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German Knauf increases its manufacturing capacities in Uzbekistan

One of the world’s leading manufacturers of the building materials the international Knauf Group starts on 16 May after large-scale reconstruction the plasterboard production line in Bukhara region.

Knauf also declares the start of the project aimed to increase two-fold the capacities of dry mortars production in Uzbekistan. Total investments to increase of the capacities and creation of new facilities run up to approximately 40 million euros.

The ceremonial launch of the upgraded Knauf plasterboard production line will take place on 16 May at “KNAUF GIPS BUKHARA”. The management of the International Knauf Group, the representatives of the public authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the highest officials of German embassy in Uzbekistan are invited to participate in this event.

The project targeted to upgrade and enlarge production facilities of plasterboards in Knauf plant located in Kagan city (Bukhara region) was being implemented within approximately two years. As a result, capacity of the production line was improved by 30%, due to what the plant “KNAUF GIPS BUKHARA” now is able to manufacture more than 30 million m² of Knauf-Plasterboards annually. More than 16 million Euros was invested to this project.

The managing partner of the International Knauf Group, the chairman of the German-Uzbek Economic Council – Manfred Grundke considers, that intensive implementation of the advanced technologies and know-how, which are available in the company, in Uzbekistan will significantly contribute to improvement of the competitive ability of the products manufactured in this country as well as it will increase export potential and help to realize Uzbekistan’s potential in maximum possible extent.

“Within the recent years, Uzbekistan becomes more and more valuable for German companies. The country is intensively developing. Systematic it implements very important reforms. Due to implementation of the advanced production technologies and creation of products marked with the globally recognized mark “German quality”, the demand for the locally manufactured products in the domestic and external markets will grow”, – says Manfred Grundke.

“Modernization of the production line was started in 2016 and was being performed in cooperation with German colleagues, who stayed here up to completion of all mounting works and launch of the production line. We are overfilled with the pride for the performed work, which enables us to say, that literally each our worker contributed to development of our plant and the industry in general. Soon, the counters of the building shops of our country will demonstrate new assortment of different types of plasterboards”, – noticed Dmitriy Deripalko, the managing director of “KNAUF GIPS BUKHARA”.

As the next stage, Knauf is going to ramp up production of dry mortars gypsum-based in Uzbekistan. On the site of “KNAUF GIPS BUKHARA” Knauf will build new production line. Upon implementation of the project, Knauf’s capacity in dry mortar production will be increased two-fold.
