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Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to present EU-supported civil protection program

On 16-17 April, experts from Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine will participate in the 11th EU Loss Data Workshop at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations in Brussels.

The event will focus on improving coordinated multi-stakeholder mechanisms for data collection based on identified needs, such as Sendai reporting and National Risk Assessments.

The experts from the three Eastern Neighbourhood countries will present the EU-funded regional programme “Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the Eastern Partnership Countries” (PPRD East 2) and the results it has so far achieved in the region.

The aim of the event is also to present different stakeholder networks for data collection, collection processes and coordination, to identify their needs and how the European Commission can support them in loss data collection, and to explore how progress on loss data collection is feeding into national Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies.

Recently developed methodologies and overviews of databases will be presented, and a debate will be conducted on specific issues such as asset level loss data collection and the data aggregation process, as well as on how loss data supports DRR strategies and multi-hazard early warning systems in place at regional and local levels.

The EU-funded PPRD East programme was designed to contribute to the peace, stability, security and prosperity of the EU’s Eastern Partner countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. It also aims to protect the environment, population, cultural heritage, resources and infrastructures of the region by strengthening the countries’ resilience, preparedness and response to human-made disasters and disasters caused by natural hazards. Now in its 2nd phase, the PPRD East 2 programme facilitates the strengthening of disaster risk management capacities at national level in the six countries. It also works to strengthen regional cooperation among the partner countries, and brings partner countries progressively closer to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

