Home » European, US investors interested in defunct Nairit plant in Armenia
Armenia Caucasus Monitoring

European, US investors interested in defunct Nairit plant in Armenia

Minister of energy infrastructures and natural resources Arthur Grigoryan says there are investors who are interested in the defunct Nairit plant of Yerevan.

Nairit was known for producing synthetic rubber.

Speaking to reporters on May 30, the minister said that the investors are from several European countries and the United States.

“There are international organizations at this moment which are interested in the future plans of operations of the Nairit plant. They will soon arrive to Armenia and will carry out technical audit, after which we will have a conclusion,” he said.

The minister said that the plant is currently going through a bankruptcy process, a liquidator is dealing with the issue and they cannot make any interference, but they’ve tried to reach an agreement to suspend the process of auctioning the property.
