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EU supports improved water quality in Georgia

On 30 October, Georgia will celebrate its progress in sustainable water management and the continued efforts and commitment of Georgia and the European Union to implement water policies and practices that protect people’s lives and livelihoods.

The EU supports efforts to improve the management of water resources in Georgia and the whole Eastern Partnership region through the EUWI+ project, which aims to support partner countries in bringing their national policies and strategies into line with the EU Water Framework Directive.

On 30 October, a high-level panel will inform stakeholders and media on recent developments regarding water policy and integrated water management in Georgia, followed by a visit to the new facilities of the Ambient Air, Water and Soil Analysis Laboratory of the National Environment Agency.

The laboratory has recently received ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation with support from EUWI+, meaning that Georgia is now able to conduct state-of-the-art scientific water analysis. The new water-quality equipment will contribute to improving water resources management and boosting water quality for the population.

Students from the Eastern Partnership Scholarship programme in Tbilisi will also explore the new laboratory facilitates, discuss with experts on environmental analysis of water and river systems, and conduct water analysis with laboratory staff.

As the European School brings together students from all six Eastern Partnership countries, they are both future professionals and ambassadors for sustainable water across the region.

Georgia’s Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture partners with the European Union through EU Water Initiative Plus for Eastern Partnership Countries (EUWI+) to improve the sustainable management of water resources with a focus on transboundary river basin management.
