On 21 June, Ukraine’s Ministry of Infrastructure, in partnership with the EU project Support to the Implementation of the Association Agreement and of the National Strategy of the Transport Sector in Ukraine (AASISTS), officially launched the country’s national transport strategy “Drive Ukraine”. The strategy was developed by the Infrastructure Ministry’s staff with support from a team of European experts and the Reforms Delivery Office.
“The recently adopted National Transport Strategy 2030 offers a modern vision for the sector and meets the objectives of the Association Agreement,” Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, Ambassador Hugues Mingarelli, said.
“We expect the action plan of the strategy to be adopted by the end of this year as a practical tool for its implementation. A lot of hard work and commitment is needed to achieve the strategy’s goals and the European Commission stands ready to further support Ukraine in the implementation of this ambitious strategy.”
The main measures of the strategy for the next 12 years include:
- Constructing 10 highways and functional roads around Kyiv and other major cities;
- Modernising railway lines;
- Building new river transport infrastructure;
- Building new deep-sea ports infrastructure;
- Increasing the number of operating airports from 19 to 50 and launching flights to new destinations;
- Renewing and modernising transport means, prioritising passenger transport;
- Expanding the use of innovative solutions in transport.
In order to implement the strategy, a strategic action plan will be developed by the Ministry of Infrastructure with support from the AASISTS project. The plan will identify the strategy’s tasks and targets, the timeframe and those responsible for its implementation, cost justifications and the funding sources.