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EU launches new aviation safety project in Ukraine

On March 15, the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine and an EU-appointed consortium officially launched the “SAFER-U: Strengthening the Aviation Framework and European Regulations for Ukraine” project funded by the European Union. The project will harmonise Ukraine’s aviation regulatory framework with EU standards and lay the foundation for a safe, efficient and secure air transport system. The budget is EUR 2.5 million. The duration of the project is three years: from 2019 until 2022.

“All Ukrainians deserve access to safe, secure and reliable air transport services and the EU is determined to ensure this happens. A sound regulatory framework will help Ukraine unlock more of the socioeconomic benefits aviation can bring,” Ambassador Hugues Mingarelli, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, commented.

In the first year, the project’s experts will verify Ukraine’s existing legislation against the European Aviation Safety Agency Basic Regulation EU 2018/1139, EU 965/2012 and EU 1178/2011. Then the secondary regulatory framework will be upgraded in accordance with EU standards. Namely SAFER-U will help to upgrade the safety regulations in Air Operations and Flight Crew Licencing. All Ukrainian registered airlines, training organisations and flight crew will be required to comply with the new standards. The project’s experts will train the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine staff and industry throughout the project to build knowledge, competencies and awareness of EU-based rules and practices.

The reform of the transport sector in Ukraine will provide a step towards a Common Aviation Area agreement. It will allow EU and Ukrainian registered airlines to operate direct flights between any airport in the EU and Ukraine, providing new opportunities for airlines, jobs, growth, trade and connectivity. Increased competition will also benefit air passengers in Ukraine, providing better choice, value for money and consumer protection when they fly.

SAFER-U is implemented by a consortium of three organisations from two countries: the UK Civil Aviation Authority International, the Spanish Aviation Safety and Security Agency and the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies.

“We are delighted to have been appointed to lead this important project and work alongside two excellent European organisations from Spain. Working with the EU and our regulatory counterparts in Ukraine, the consortium is fully committed to developing Ukraine’s aviation oversight and reforming its air transport sector,” Maria Rueda, Managing Director for the Civil Aviation Authority International, said.
