Home » EU experts to help Armenia with digital archives of real estate cadastre
Armenia Caucasus Monitoring

EU experts to help Armenia with digital archives of real estate cadastre

On 21-23 October, experts from the Netherlands will visit Armenia to discuss the creation of digital archives for real estate cadastre. The experts will meet with the country’s Real Estate Cadastre Committee representatives to help with mapping the needs of Armenia’s Cadastre Committee in terms of archive digitization.

The experts will also assess the current situation and suggest appropriate solutions. This includes developing a strategy and tailored methodology for digitization, as well as impact evaluation of the estimated costs of implementation.

The experts will share best practices from the Netherlands on maintaining digitized archives and will provide guidance on ad hoc training for specialized staff.

The workshop is organized by the European Commission’s Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX) in co-operation with Cadastre Committee (CC) of Armenia.
