Home » EU backs two water supply projects in Moldova towns
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EU backs two water supply projects in Moldova towns

The Nord Regional Development Agency (ADR Nord), mayoralties of the Falesti and Edinet towns, as well as entrepreneurs nominated at tenders today signed needed contracts, which will start the works for improving the water and sewerage supply services.

According to the project from Falesti, the town’s water supply networks will be extended by 2.4 km and 2.6 km of feed pipes will be constructed. At the same time, 11.5 km of water supply networks from Falesti will be restored. More than 15,000 Falesti town residents will be connected to the improved water supply system. The estimative value of the project amounts to 1.27 million euros, with the beneficiaries’ contribution standing at 160,000 euros.

The project from Edinet sees that the settlement’s water supply networks will be extended by 4.5 km and 22.9 km of networks will be rehabilitated. Over 3,300 Edinet town residents will be connected to water supply. The estimative value of the project is of 2.85 million euros, provided by the European Union and 774,000 euros represents the beneficiaries’ contribution.

“The supply with water and sanitation is a priority for the regional development from northern Moldova. The local authorities are also aware of this fact, along with whom we are set to carry out these important projects in due time,” ADR Nord director Vitali Povonschi has told MOLDPRES.

Both programmes are financed by the European Union, in cooperation with the Modernization of Local Public Services in Moldova project. The latter is implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation, in partnership with the Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Ministry and financially backed by the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, government of Sweden, government of Romania and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

