Home » EBRD to issue €7 million to Ukrainian Eco-Optima Group for building second phase of a 36 MW solar power plant
Eastern Europe Monitoring Ukraine

EBRD to issue €7 million to Ukrainian Eco-Optima Group for building second phase of a 36 MW solar power plant

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) intends to consider granting a loan in the amount of EUR7 million to Energopark Yavoriv LLC for the construction of the second stage of Yavoriv solar power plant with a capacity of 36 MW.

According to the website of the bank, a meeting of the board of directors on the issue of the loan is scheduled for June 5.

“The project is developed under the EBRD Ukraine Sustainable Energy Lending Facility III (USELF III), a EUR 250 million framework to support renewable energy in Ukraine,” the report reads.

“The project consists of the development, construction and operation of the second phase for 36MWp of a 72MWp solar PV project located near the town of Ternovytsia in Lviv region,” it says.

Eco-Optima manages a park of solar plants and wind power plants, some of which are built using EBRD loan funds. The company commissioned two phases of a wind plant of 34 MW in Stary Sambir in Lviv region. The project was implemented with the funds from the EBRD and the World Bank’s Clean Technology Fund.
