Home » Eastring gas pipeline for transporting Azerbaijani gas to be built in Europe
Azerbaijan Caucasus Monitoring

Eastring gas pipeline for transporting Azerbaijani gas to be built in Europe

Lot of work has been done for the detailed feasibility study in all countries of the Eastring gas pipeline, Public Relations and Communication specialist at Slovakia’s Eustream company Pavol Kubik told Trend.

Eastring will transport natural gas from different areas and alternative sources. At the first stage, it will provide the Balkans and/or even Turkey with gas from the European gas market. At the final stage, when its bi-directional mode should be in place, Eastring will transit prospective Romanian Black Sea natural gas, Caspian and Middle East natural gas to Europe.

“The Eastring project continues according to the schedule. Lot of work has been done for the detailed feasibility study in all countries of the future pipeline,” said Kubik.

“We closely cooperate with our partners’ transmission system operators and I believe we will be able to provide more information once the study is finalized (later this summer).”

He reiterated that the pipeline capacity will be available for all shippers/sources (including natural gas transported via the Southern Gas Corridor) on the transparent and non-discriminatory basis.

The Southern Gas Corridor is one of the priority energy projects for the EU. It envisages the transportation of gas from the Caspian region to the European countries through Georgia and Turkey.

At the initial stage, the gas to be produced as part of the Stage 2 of development of Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz field is considered as the main source for the Southern Gas Corridor projects. Other sources can also connect to this project at a later stage.

As part of the Stage 2 of the Shah Deniz development, the gas will be exported to Turkey and European markets by expanding the South Caucasus Pipeline and the construction of Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline and Trans Adriatic Pipeline.
