Home » Belarus’ export of IT services 21% up in H1 2019

Belarus’ export of IT services 21% up in H1 2019

According to preliminary data, in H1 2019 Belarus’ overall export of computer services, telecommunication services, and information services rose by 21% in comparison with the same period of last year, according to to the website of the Belarusian Communications and Informatization Ministry.

Proceeds from sales went up by 9.9% from H1 2018. Profitability of sold products amounted to 13.4%, with the profitability of sales at 10%. Revenues from postal services and telecommunication industry services were close to Br1.8 billion. The industry demonstrated a 2.3% growth in comparable conditions. The share of the gross value added by the information and communications industry in the GDP rose to 6.4%.

The number of broadband landline Internet service subscribers reached 3.232 million, with the number of IPTV subscribers up by 116,300 to 2.103 million. The number of subscribers connected to the IMS platform (IP-based telephony) rose by 227,600 to 3.19 million. The number of subscribers connected using the GPON technology increased by 224,600 to 2.422 million. The bandwidth of the external Internet access channel amounted to 1,490Gbps.

In H1 2019 the penetration of LTE-based mobile communication services totaled 75.7%. Over 3 million residents of Belarus used this technology. Fiber optic communication lines are available in 98.4% of the multistoried houses in urban areas. More than 58,000 subscribers use the smart home service.
