Home » StrategEast State and IT Eurasian Forum 2024 wraps up after a productive second day

StrategEast State and IT Eurasian Forum 2024 wraps up after a productive second day

On September 18, 2024, the StrategEast State and IT Eurasian Forum 2024 concluded in Chișinău after two days of discussions on the future of IT and the digital economy in Eurasia. The event featured over 40 speakers and more than 150 participants, who delved into key topics like talent retention, trust in AI, and opportunities for global IT companies in the region.

The second day kicked off with opening remarks from the organizers, followed by a panel discussion on “The Tech and Service Labor Market in Eurasia: From Brain Drain to Brain Gain.” Moderated by Catalina Plinschi, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization, this session featured speakers such as Irina Stamatovic (Help/Helvetas), Eugenia Danu (ABSL Moldova), Vasile Putina (Pentalog/Globant), and Pavel Liber (Nations Digital Platform).

Other key discussions included:
1. “Trustworthy AI: Global and Regional Outlook,” led by Alexandru Gozun (PWC Moldova), where experts like Irina Buzu (Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova), Salome Khachiauri-Soltau (Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency), and Olena Andriienko (Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Publicis Groupe Ukraine) shared their insights.
2. “Opportunities for Global IT Companies in Central Asia,” moderated by Marina Bzovîi (Moldova Innovation Technology Park), with speakers such as Chubak Temirov (High Technology Park of Kyrgyzstan), Umedjon Komilov (Business Incubator of Tajikistan), and Daniyar Zhumagulov (Astana Hub, Kazakhstan).
3. “Navigating IT Investment and Startup Acceleration in Eurasia,” moderated by Olga Melniciuc (Startup Moldova), featured panelists like Amir Hegazi (CapitalDemocracy), Steinar Hoel Korsmo (Seed Forum Global), and Dumitru Ciorici (Fagura).
The last session focused on “New Education for the New (AI) Economy,” moderated by Irina Oriol (National Association of ICT Companies). Panelists, including Anatol Poiata (AC-Technologies), Nana Dikhaminjia (Techdro), and Jenny Romano (TheNewsroom), discussed how educational institutions and businesses are adapting their training programs to keep up with the growing demands of AI.

The forum ended with closing remarks from Anatoly Motkin, President of StrategEast, followed by a coffee and networking session, giving participants a chance to continue their conversations and explore new collaborations.