Home » Central Asia Beckons – exploring new IT Investment ppportunities with USAID FGI support

Central Asia Beckons – exploring new IT Investment ppportunities with USAID FGI support

On September 18, 2024, the StrategEast State and T Eurasian Forum 2024 featured a dynamic panel discussion titled “Opportunities for Global IT Companies in Central Asia.” Moderated by Marina Bzovîi, Administrator of Moldova Innovation Technology Park, the session explored investment opportunities, regional growth, and potential for collaboration between Central Asia and Moldova.

Key speakers included Chubak Temirov, Deputy Director of High Technology Park of Kyrgyzstan; Umedjon Komilov, Head of International Department at the Business Incubator of Tajikistan; Daniyar Zhumagulov, Director of Technological Centers Office, Astana Hub, Kazakhstan, and moderator Marina Bzovîi, Administrator of Moldova Innovation Technology Park.

The panel focused on how global IT companies can tap into the growing opportunities in Central Asia, particularly in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. 

Speakers shared details about their organizations and countries, highlighting the conditions for tech companies, including the local business environment, available support, and the development of the tech sector. 

The discussion also covered how to build partnerships across borders and attract foreign investment to help further develop the region’s tech ecosystems and drive growth. 

This panel was supported by the USAID’s Future Growth Initiative, which aims to enhance economic growth and innovation in the region.