Home » StrategEast hosts the 3rd workshop in the “Build With AI for Sustainable Growth” series

StrategEast hosts the 3rd workshop in the “Build With AI for Sustainable Growth” series

On September 7, StrategEast successfully conducted the third workshop in its “Build With AI for Sustainable Growth” series, focusing on AI prototyping, sustainability conflicts, and refining startup pitches.

The session covered three key topics: startup – effective pitch preparation; sustainability – understanding green grabbing; and AI technical – prototyping with Google AI Studio.

Gulnaza Khalmanbetova, a startup growth and pitch preparation expert, led a session on crafting compelling startup pitches. She emphasized the need for clear communication of business models and environmental impacts to attract investors. Khalmanbetova provided guidance on structuring concise pitches, including a problem statement, solution, market opportunity, and a call to action. Participants also learned about tailoring messages to their audience, utilizing visual aids, and rehearsing to refine delivery and anticipate questions.

Dr. Warathida Chaiyapa from Chiang Mai University’s School of Public Policy discussed “green grabbing,” the appropriation of land for environmental purposes. The session explored the socio-economic impacts of this practice and emphasized the need for policies that balance environmental initiatives with the rights of local communities.

Oliya Rakhmatova, a Google Developer Groups organizer, led a hands-on session on AI prototyping using Google AI Studio. Participants explored how to apply AI technology to tackle environmental challenges, gaining practical skills in using AI tools.

The “Build With AI for Sustainable Growth” program continues to empower participants with the knowledge to harness AI for environmental sustainability, as part of Google’s commitment to leveraging technology to address global challenges.