Home » StrategEast hosts the second hackathon in “Build with AI for Sustainable Development” series

StrategEast hosts the second hackathon in “Build with AI for Sustainable Development” series

We’re thrilled to announce the success of our second workshop in the “Build with AI for Sustainable Growth” series, an initiative implemented in partnership with Google and supported by USAID’s Future Growth Initiative! This event was a crucial step in preparing our talented participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Central Asia for the upcoming Final Hackathon in Astana.

During this workshop, our participants were treated to incredible insights from industry experts:

Enes Turan, Google Cloud Expert, kicked off the event with an in-depth session on Google technology and instruments, showcasing how these tools can be harnessed to tackle environmental challenges and drive sustainable development.

Ainura Sagyn took the stage to discuss the critical role of innovation in solving pressing sustainability issues and how startups can position themselves for success in this space.

Colin Donahue wrapped up the day with a compelling talk on understanding the customer journey and the importance of focusing on net priority. They emphasized how crucial it is for startups to truly know their customers and prioritize their needs to build impactful, sustainable solutions.

Our developers and startup teams left the workshop with a wealth of knowledge, ready to refine their ideas and prepare for the intense competition ahead. Participants are now one step closer to showcasing their groundbreaking solutions at the Final Hackathon in Astana.

A huge thank you to everyone who took part, including our inspiring speakers! Your insights and guidance have set the stage for what promises to be an exciting and impactful event in Astana.