Home » Austrian law firm to help bring potential investors to industrial park in Belarus
Belarus Eastern Europe Monitoring

Austrian law firm to help bring potential investors to industrial park in Belarus

The big Austrian law firm LANSKY, GANZGER + partner (LGP) is ready to assist the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone with attracting potential investors, BelTA learned from First Deputy Director General of SZAO Industrial Park Development Company Kirill Koroteyev.

Representatives of Industrial Park Development Company held negotiations with Austrian companies in Salzburg the other day. During B2B talks the park offered a ready industrial site and tax incentives to the Austrian private sector for the sake of localizing manufacturing and freely selling the products in all countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. The park’s further development was discussed in detail as well as the operation of resident companies with European capital, plans to set up a multimodal terminal in the park with assistance of Duisburger Hafen (Germany), China Merchants Group, Belarusian Railways, and Hupac (Switzerland). The founder of the law firm LANSKY, GANZGER + partner (LGP) Gabriel Lansky expressed interest in encouraging potential investors, the company’s clients to do business using opportunities in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone.

Arranged by Schneider Group, the event gathered over 40 representatives of Austrian real-sector companies. They mentioned the importance of holding such meetings. The Austrian companies were particularly interested in speeches by representatives of the banking sector, who mentioned attractive terms of export loans for implementing projects in the industrial park.

According to Kirill Koroteyev, Industrial Park Development Company will continue arranging events to promote the park in Europe. The next event is supposed to take place in Poland.
