Home » IMF hails Georgia’s transition to service-oriented economy
Caucasus Georgia Monitoring

IMF hails Georgia’s transition to service-oriented economy

Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) keeps visiting Georgia.

She delivered a lecture before Georgian students about economic issues and talked about Georgia’s road and challenges after the announcement of independence.

“When walking in Tbilisi streets, I was impressed by old districts of your capital city. Georgia is situated at the crossroad of East and West worlds. Tolerance, openness, and the past lessons – since the announcement of independence in 1991 this country has passed a long road full of challenges; extreme collapse of living standards and production sector.’

“Over the past years, Georgia has created a remarkable history of transformation and progress – the country has become a service-oriented economy, instead of agriculture-oriented economy and tourism plays a special role in this respect. Therefore, I have stressed the beauty of your capital city and country.”

“You have increased incomes for your citizens, expanded trades and created one of the open and friendly business environments. Georgia has achieved this success thanks to hardworking and tireless aspiration for economic reforms”, Christine Lagarde noted.
