Home » German ERIELL helps increase hydrocarbon production in Uzbekistan
Central Asia Monitoring Uzbekistan

German ERIELL helps increase hydrocarbon production in Uzbekistan

International oil service company ERIELL continues successful fulfillment of commitments on carrying out activities in accordance with the Program for Increasing Hydrocarbon Production, approved by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In particular, activity is underway to drill and develop deposits in Uzbekistan.
By a detailed study of the geological section and opening the full capacity of the reef shelves using innovative technologies, an increase in the flow of natural gas through new wells has been achieved. Leading oil service companies, in particular, General Electric Oil & Gas, which has proven itself with PerfoMax-type flushing fluids, were involved in this work.
Currently, drilling of 203 wells has been completed, which allows maintaining and increasing the production of necessary hydrocarbons in Uzbekistan.
Today, 48 ERIELL drilling rigs and its subcontractors under the leadership of 144 experienced foreign supervisors and engineers are carrying out drilling operations.
One of the objectives of the Program for Increasing Hydrocarbon Production is the technical equipment and modernization of drilling rigs of one of the ERIELL subcontractors on this project – Uzburneftegaz JSC. The result of this activity became a significant increase in drilling speed and quality improvement.
Currently, agreements have been reached on concluding an agreement on implementation of joint activities on the project with international service companies Schlumberger, Weatheford and Halliburton. The document assumes the performance of activities on the design of hydraulic and hydrochemical fracturing in order to increase recoil.