Home » First railway transit transport corridor across Kazakhstan to Europe launched
Central Asia Kazakhstan Monitoring

First railway transit transport corridor across Kazakhstan to Europe launched

The Embassy of Kazakhstan in Vietnam, jointly with NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy National Company JSC (KTZ), has implemented the transport and logistics project which launched the first railway transit transport corridor along the Vietnam-China-Kazakhstan-Europe route.

For the first time ever, 1,686 TEU of goods were shipped from Hanoi, Vietnam, via the Vietnamese border railway terminal of Dong Dang, and then through China and Kazakhstan to Duisburg, Germany. The shipment of LG and Samsung goods by rail from Hanoi to Duisburg took 22 days, including 2 days for the transportation of goods from Vietnam to China. It took 20 days to transport the goods to Duisburg. In the future, it is planned to reduce the total shipment time from Vietnam to Europe to 19 days. According to Vietnam Railways, the volumes will significantly increase this year.

The launch of this railway route was one of the practical results of the implementation of the strategic objective set by President Nursultan Nazarbayev to integrate Kazakhstan’s transport infrastructure into the international transport system and unleash the transport potential of our country in the furtherance of Nurly Zhol Government Program, which is interconnected with the China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

In 2016, the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Vietnam and KTZ initiated the work to establish and launch the transport and logistics route between Kazakhstan and Vietnam in transit through China. To accomplish this objective, representatives of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy National Company paid visits to Vietnam in 2016 and 2017. During the visits, they met with the leaders of the Vietnamese Transport Ministry and Vietnam Railways. Besides, there were two business forums involving over 100 major international and Vietnamese logistics companies.
