Home » World Bank supports creation of multi-donor technical assistance facility to reform Ukraine’s seaport sector
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World Bank supports creation of multi-donor technical assistance facility to reform Ukraine’s seaport sector

In Ukraine, a multi-donor technical assistance facility has started work. It is funded by 11 multilateral and bilateral donors, with the support of the World Bank.

Ukrinform learnt this from the World Bank.

“The Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), which is designed to increase private investment in the port sector, has started work. The World Bank will provide technical support to the fund’s activities,” the World Bank informed.

The technical assistance project will help Ukraine identify the key areas while reforming the port sector. The assistance will include analysis of legislation in the port sector, assessment of the current state of the port infrastructure, revision of the current management structure, and drawing up of a roadmap for the full transition of the sector to the “port-landowner” management model.
