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Founders of Viber visit Tashkent on May 28

A delegation of leading IT experts from the United States, Israel and Belarus will visit Tashkent at the invitation of Mirzo Ulugbek Innovation Center. The delegates are the founders of Viber Talmon Marco and Igor Magazinnik, the president of StrategEast center Anatoly Motkin and the regional director of the American International Tax and Investment Center Mukhit Akhanov.

The visit will last two days – from 28 to 29 May. Its preconditions were laid down during the visit of the governmental delegation of Uzbekistan to the United States in September last year. One of the most important items of the program was the business forum “Partnership Destined for Commercial Success” in New York, which brought together representatives of business circles of the two countries.

A meeting of the Uzbek delegation with the president of the U. S.-based center StrategEast  Anatoly Motkin concluded by the agreement on cooperation. Its goal is to attract leading foreign experts and potential investors to joint work with the Mirzo Ulugbek Innovation Center on improving the skills of local IT specialists, business development and startups. Another task will be to study the IT-sphere of Uzbekistan, conditions and opportunities for the implementation of joint high-tech investment projects.

The official visit of the founders of Viber Talmon Marco and Igor Magazinnik to the republic is the first step towards the practical cooperation of MUIC and Strategeast in the person of its president. During the conversation with the headship of innovative center, Anatoly Motkin emphasized on growing interest of the international IT community towards Uzbekistan. A crucial role was played by active foreign policy, confirming the country’s openness, and state support of the IT sector, which was expressed, among other things, by the creation of the Mirzo Ulugbek Innovation Center last June.

It’s not only two-day familiarization visit of foreign delegation. It also envisages practical approach. The experts intend to:

– study the existing tax legislation, proposed reforms and give recommendations based on international experience on its optimization with respect to the IT sector;

– hold consultations for residents of MUIC concerning the specifics of business development in the IT sector;

–  assist in the development of human resource potential by launching short-term IT courses in Uzbekistan on the most demanded areas in the world market.

The representatives of Viber also plan to study the domestic IT market with respect to direct investment. In this connection, they have certain expectations on the meetings at the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, JSC “Uzbektelecom” and other organizations responsible for the development of the sphere.

Source: http://podrobno.uz