Home » EU and World Bank to support transparent land resources management in Ukraine
Eastern Europe Monitoring Ukraine

EU and World Bank to support transparent land resources management in Ukraine

On 16 May, the EU and World Bank announced the start of the new five-year “Ukraine Transparent Land Resources Management Support” programme. The programme’s joint efforts will be directed towards improving transparency and efficient use of land resources and will support further implementation of land reforms in Ukraine.

The programme will be launched in two pilot regions – Kyiv and Mykolaiv. It envisages technical, analytical, methodological and consultative assistance to agricultural land owners, farmers, amalgamated territorial communities, local, regional and central executive authorities.

“The EU’s cooperation with the Government of Ukraine and the World Bank will create the preconditions for effective rule of law and respect to every land owner’s and user’s rights as a precondition for improved agricultural productivity and effective decentralization,” said Hugues Mingarellі, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine.

It is expected that the international partners’ efforts will improve the wellbeing of rural residents, promote the development of farming and communities, reduce corruption and provide reliable infrastructure for a transparent and efficient agricultural land market.

