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Sergey Tokarev

<h5>IT entrepreneur, Founding Partner of Roosh. The Roosh company creates high-tech IT products and invests in innovative startups with a priority on AI and ML.</h5>
Entrepreneurial talent and investor flair have helped Sergey create more than 30 companies and make more than 100 profitable investments in projects worldwide. Tokarev’s investment portfolio includes such well-known names as Reface, Oura, Deel, Facemoji, and many others. Twenty years of experience in technology also helped him achieve these results. Before switching to investing, Sergey tried many roles: from a call centre operator to managing positions in large companies.

Sergey graduated from Moscow University for the Humanities with a degree in Management. He also studied at the University of Malta.

Sergey is involved in charity work: he publishes educational books for teenagers, has created an educational STEM project for schoolgirls, STEM is FEM. In 2021, Tokarev announced the opening of SET University – SET stands for science, entrepreneurship and technology. It is a new type of Ukrainian higher educational institution in IT. The emphasis will be on practical training, as SET University will combine theoretical technical knowledge with entrepreneurship training.